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come out of the woodwork中文是什么意思

用"come out of the woodwork"造句"come out of the woodwork"怎么读"come out of the woodwork" in a sentence


  • 突然冒出很多人
  • 突然冒出了很多人


  • On sundays , old people seem to come out of the woodwork , whereas during the week , no one sees them at all
  • With the two new witnesses , prosecutors bean reexamining fisher ' s statements " and then some more people came out of the woodwork " the source said
    现在有两名新证人出来,检方开始重新探讨费歇尔所说的。消息来源说, “后来又有几个证人钻出来。 ”
  • It seems whenever a new , exciting idea comes along , the naysayers come out of the woodwork to brush off the innovation as a passing fad
    无论什么时候,只要一有新鲜的、兴奋耳目的概念出来,似乎总会有一些说“不”的人从柴草堆里跳出来说它们是“昙花一现” 。
  • Taylor now faces a different type of pressure , like most young athletes who don ' t come from great wealth , taylor sees people coming out of the woodwork with their hands out
用"come out of the woodwork"造句  


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